When he’s not performing in schools, Braden Carlisle tours the country with his scalable theater show for family audiences. In his home state of Colorado, Braden has performed a monthly Sold-Out Magic Show for 36 consecutive months.
Far from the tackiness or cheesiness* often associated with magicians, Braden’s magic is funny, sharp and relies on a lifetime of practice and performing experience. You’ve seen a rabbit get pulled out of a hat, but have you seen a man swallow a balloon larger than a small child?

The best part about Braden’s show is that it appeals to all ages. The humor is family friendly and the magic is universally awe-inspiring. You will be thinking about that big finale long after you leave the theater.
This show is filled with inspiring music, magic, and hilarious comedy. Book now to see the funniest magic show you will ever experience.
*Top Hat Not Included